Sunday 30 October 2011

Al-Ghafir .

Forgive because Allah is the Most Forgiving - Al Ghafir, and you know that sharing His attributes would bring you closer to Him. Forgive because If you can forgive others for their shortcomings, Allah will forgive you for yours. Forgive because Allah loves those who suppress their anger and forgive. Forgive because it is a sunnah. Forgive for the sake of your own Jannah. Forgive for the sake of Allah Azzawajal.

 Yes, sometimes your anger is justified. it is right in it’s own place and yes even revenge is permissible but does your anger weigh more or does your love for the longing of Allah’s forgiveness weigh more?

No matter how exceptional your case is, no matter hard it is, no matter how hurt you have been, over look it because Allah is the All-Seeing, The All- Knowing and surely, your actions will bring you rewards beyond your imagination. Isn’t forgiveness a small price to pay along the way to your Mansion in Jannah? Some of the best among the Muslims are the ones who have the self-control over their anger and have the ability to forgive. Wouldn’t you love being amongst the people of Taqwa? Be selfish, want your own forgiveness from Allah. Do this for yourself and by doing that, you will end up somehow reward others in this world as well. :)

Oleh itu, apa jua yang diberikan kepada kamu, maka ia hanyalah nikmat kesenangan hidup di dunia ini sahaja, dan (sebaliknya) apa yang ada di sisi Allah (dari pahala hari akhirat) adalah lebih baik dan lebih kekal bagi orang-orang yang beriman dan yang berserah bulat-bulat kepada Tuhannya ;

Dan juga (lebih baik dan lebih kekal bagi) orang-orang yang menjauhi dosa-dosa besar serta perbuatan-perbuatan yang keji; dan apabila mereka marah (disebabkan perbuatan yang tidak patut terhadap mereka), mereka memaafkannya

Dan (jika kamu hendak membalas maka) balasan sesuatu kejahatan ialah kejahatan yang bersamaan dengannya; dalam pada itu sesiapa yang memaafkan (kejahatan orang) dan berbuat baik (kepadanya), maka pahalanya tetap dijamin oleh Allah (dengan diberi balasan yang sebaik-baiknya). Sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang yang berlaku zalim 

[42 : 37, 38 40 ]

Life is too short to hate people. It's just wasting your time. Come on, let's move on.

Selamat menghadapi exam pertama di UK bro and sis. May everything happen will be a tarbiah for us.

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